Tuesday, 27 May 2008

How to Activate the log on AES Server

Hi All,

You have probably met this problem when sometimes you get strange CTI issue and that you are aware about the issue some hours later, but the logs are already overwritted.

To activate the logs on AES Server version 3.1.1 (it will be the same for previous and next release normally):

Log in to AES server as root.

[sroot@is_che_aes1 sroot]# cd /opt/mvap/conf

[sroot@is_che_aes1 conf]# vi tracemask

Tracemask needs to be edited for the traces required by TSAPI. Therefore include following values:

asailink =0x0001e00e

And then you need to save your change with the command below:

Now is needed to restart the MVAP services

Root> service mvap restart

That will impact your service if you do that please be carefull to schedule this change and to stop your production or to switch to another CTI AES Server.

To see the logs which have been created you need one call generated on the MOS, so just make a CTI call.

Now we can view G3trace in TSAPI on AES-:

cd /opt/mvap/logs/TSAPI

G3trace will be named as -: g3trace-trace.out

I hope it will be usefull for everybody.
